Take Time to Reflect 🧐
Filling out your Weekly Report allows you to slow down, check in with yourself, and assess your growth. Ask yourself how you’re really doing. Remember, the report is not just for your leader—it’s for you too!
Build Trust 🛡️
When you’re honest and open in your Weekly Report, you build trust with your leader. They’ll be able to connect with you on a deeper level and understand what you’re facing, both at work and in your personal life. Vulnerability is hard but worth it. Remember, your leader wants to make sure you’re taken care of. That’s why they’ve asked you to participate in weekly reports to begin with!
Include the Small Stuff 📋
Even if it feels like nothing significant happened this week, fill out your Weekly Report. Consistency is key, and your leader will appreciate the effort.
Share a low point, even if it seems like something small. Your leader can't help you fix a problem if you don't tell them there is a problem. Include some ways you want to participate in the solution. This shows your leader that you care and want to help things improve.
Help Your Leader Help You 👊🏼
Don’t be afraid to be honest with your leader in your Weekly Report. Share what you’re struggling with and where you need help. It’s important to address issues early before they become a big deal.
Give a Shout-Out 📣
Everyone loves a pat on the back! When a teammate does something helpful or impressive, include that in your Weekly Report. Chances are, your leader will pass along the kudos to them, and everyone will feel good!
Brag on Yourself 🥳
Your Weekly Report is a great opportunity to brag on yourself and share your accomplishments with your leader. Go ahead, toot your own horn. Your leader wants you to win!
Don't Give Up 💪🏼
It’s important to fill out your Weekly Report consistently so you stay connected with your leader. If you miss a week, don’t sweat it! New habits can be hard to form. Give yourself grace, and pick back up where you left off. (If you missed last week, you can go back and fill out your Weekly Report for the previous week too! Just be sure to select the correct week from the date dropdown when you complete your prior report.)